1. Introduction to Turkish – Alphabet, pronunciation, and basic greetings
2. Basic Phrases – "Hello," "How are you?" "Goodbye," etc.
3. Personal Introductions – Name, nationality, profession, "Benim adım..."
4. Numbers & Counting – 1-100, prices, phone numbers
5. Days, Months, and Seasons – Talking about dates & schedules
6. Telling Time – "Saat kaç?" & daily routine phrases
7. Family & Relationships – "Bu benim annem," possessive pronouns
8. Colors, Shapes & Sizes – Describing objects and preferences
9. Common Verbs & Actions – "Gitmek, Gelmek, Yemek, İçmek…"
10. Review & Speaking Practice – Role-playing conversations
11. Sentence Structure – Basic Turkish word order (SOV)
12. Definite & Indefinite Articles – "Bir" vs. no article usage
13. Possessive Structures – "Benim kitabım, senin kalemin"
14. Present Tense Verbs – Conjugation of regular verbs
15. Past Tense (Di’li Geçmiş Zaman) – Simple past "geldim, gördüm…"
16. Future Tense (Gelecek Zaman) – "Geleceğim, yapacaksın…"