Course Overview:
This 40-lesson course is designed to introduce beginners to the Arabic language. By the end of the course, students will be able to read, write, and understand basic Arabic vocabulary, sentences, and expressions for everyday communication.
Lesson Breakdown:
Week 1: Introduction to Arabic (الأسبوع الأول: مقدمة في اللغة العربية)
- Lesson 1: The Arabic Alphabet (الحروف العربية)
- Introduction to the Arabic script and pronunciation.
- Learn the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet.
- How to write and pronounce each letter.
- Lesson 2: Arabic Vowels (الحروف الصوتية)
- Short vowels (Fatha, Damma, Kasra).
- How vowels change pronunciation and meaning.
- Lesson 3: Writing Simple Letters (كتابة الحروف)
- Practice writing individual letters.
- Understand how letters change shape depending on their position in a word.
- Lesson 4: Introduction to Greetings (التحيات الأساسية)
- Learn common greetings: "Hello" (مرحبًا), "Good morning" (صباح الخير), "How are you?" (كيف حالك؟).
Week 2: Basic Vocabulary and Pronouns (الأسبوع الثاني: المفردات الأساسية والضمائر)
- Lesson 5: Pronouns (الضمائر)
- Learn personal pronouns: I (أنا), You (أنت), He (هو), She (هي), We (نحن), They (هم).
- Lesson 6: Basic Family Vocabulary (مفردات الأسرة الأساسية)
- Learn vocabulary for family members: Father (أب), Mother (أم), Brother (أخ), Sister (أخت).
- Lesson 7: Numbers 1-10 (الأرقام من 1 إلى 10)
- Learn numbers 1-10 in Arabic.
- Practice counting and basic number-related questions.
- Lesson 8: Simple Sentences (الجمل البسيطة)
- Learn how to form simple sentences like "I am a student" (أنا طالب).
- Introduction to subject-verb-object structure.
Week 3: Basic Grammar (الأسبوع الثالث: القواعد الأساسية)
- Lesson 9: Definite and Indefinite Nouns (الأسماء المعرفه و النكرة)
- Learn how to use definite articles (ال) with nouns.
- Lesson 10: Plural Forms of Nouns (صيغة الجمع للأسماء)
- Learn how to form plurals for masculine and feminine nouns.